Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Getting Started

Where to start? My name is Solarya, and I am a warlock.

Obviously, I enjoy doing the things that warlocks do best. I steal souls and collect them in my bag. I might steal yours someday. If you are lucky, I'll use your soul to summon a minion. Or I might just use your soul to hurl a fireball at someone. It depends on my mood.

I love Seed of Corruption. The other night, there were about 25 of us in this floaty thing in the sky, and my plate wearing friend rounded a bunch of spiders in a tightly packed group, just so I could implant 6 or 7 of them with SoC. Then they all exploded! Next thing I remember was being revived by our druid...

Life tap is the best. I never run out of mana, and whenever I tap to full mana there's always someone who heals me. Which is especially good when there's rain of fire coming down on me.

I also enjoy some things that are not very warlocky. I like to sew things. Some of it's useful, and gives some stats, but some things I sew are just plain pretty.

I also like to enchant things. Almost as much as I like to disenchant things.

Fishing is my favorite thing to do to relax. While I fish, I listen to the faint cries of the thousands of souls I have captured.

Well, that's me in a nutshell.



  1. Well, that's me in a nutshell.

    I hope you don't stay trapped in the nutshell.

    Welcome to the blogosphere and yay! for another warlock. :)


  2. You sounds like a Warlock after my own heart. Let's be friends.

    <3 Saresa

  3. Don't forget that Warlock's are your best local physical training expert!

    Out of shape? Need to get in shape? No problem! Seek out a fellow Warlock, annoy them, and bam! You'll be feared and running constantly!

    By the time the Warlock has come to be done playing with their new toy... erm, I mean, helping you with your physical exercise, you will have lost those annoying pounds and be able to eat whatever you want! (Stay away from the Noggerfoggin potion.)
